The Twilight Saga characters are a diverse assortment of seemingly dissimilar individuals who have come together to form one large family (or in the unfortunate cases of a few, enemies of this big family). A lot of their personality features and qualities fit into the norms of particular zodiac signs, just like most characters in any famous television or film franchise.
Of course, the Cullens have lived long enough to have seen the ebb and flow of zodiac sign popularity, as have most vampires they know. Although they are unlikely to place much emphasis on zodiac signs, their admirers can. So, who of the Twilight cast members corresponds to which zodiac sign?
With the entire Twilight Saga now available to view on Netflix, it’s the ideal opportunity for fans to reconnect with the characters who first appeared on film in 2008. While there is usually discussion about the romantic relationships in the films (and the books that inspired them), the characters are more than their romantic lives. Fans can study the Twilight characters’ personalities more deeply by viewing the plot through the prism of their zodiac signs.