Group: Tales of Tsushima
Tale: Yuna Tale
Location: Toyotama
To unlock this tale you must first reach Toyotama, so you have to complete "A New Horizon" main tale.
(1 of 4) The Mongols are terrorizing people in Otsuna prefecture. I need to see if I can help.
- Minor Legend Increase
- Minor Defense Charm (Charm of Rejuvenation - "Slowly recover up to 2 Resolve while in combat.")
- +2 Silk
Related points of interest
The Tale of Yuna Toyotama
Prior tales
To begin The Tale of Yuna you must first complete A New Horizon.
Quest stages of The Tale of Yuna
1. Search for Yuna near the Otsuna border / Speak with Yuna
Go to Otsuna and find Yuna at its southern border next to a tree with lots of people hanging on it.
Yuna will tell you that a Mongolian warlord named Altan is responsible for the death of these people. She will also tell you about a nearby inn run by a friend of her and you will decide to go there.
2. Follow Yuna / Speak with the villager
Follow Yuna and after a while you'll reach the nearby inn.
Approach the villager in the inn's courtyard. You will ask him about Ichi, and he, instead of helping you, will call the Mongolian guards.
3. Kill the Mongols
Kill all the Mongols who come to you.
When you get rid of them, Ichi will come out of the inn and you will start talking.
4. Speak with Ichi
Ichi will be angry at Yuna because the Mongols will certainly want to punish her for what you did in her inn.
When Yuna goes aside, Ichi will also tell you how you can find Altan.
5. Speak with Yuna
To end this tale, talk to Yuna and tell her what you learned from Ichi.
After completing The Tale of Yuna you will get or will be able to get Silent Death.
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