Terraria Wire Relay Signals Guide (Journeys End / Update 1.4)

This guide is to show how to make a signal relay, so you can send a signal at distant without having to lay long line of wires. Contents If you want to skip to how to create a relay you can skip this section, I just thought it be nice to share how I made

This guide is to show how to make a signal relay, so you can send a signal at distant without having to lay long line of wires.


How to Make a Signal Relay

Intro – How I Came Across This

If you want to skip to how to create a relay you can skip this section, I just thought it be nice to share how I made this system.

So the story behind how I created this relay system came from playing the new version 1.4 golf element and wanting to create a way to record each hole completed with a light system to signal that the player had completed certain groups of course, for this example three course with each having three holes to complete.

The issue I was having was using the and gate which has to have the Logic Gate Lamps above it to create the desired effect. The first stage was to use the and gate to highlight only when all three holes of that course had been completed. For this I used the Red, Blue and Green wires to feed the signal of the and gate, and the send the completed signal out with the Yellow to the overall [this can be seen in the picture below], the issue this created was that I needed a further and gate to now show that the three courses had been completed but the three signal’s coming into this was all Yellow. Now as you have to set the and gate with the Logic Gate Lamps stacked above, I needed to be able to repeat the same system of the Holes show the Course complete for the system to show all the course were complete therefore completing the full set.

This solution I wanted to do was to have something receive a signal and the send a signal out. But there is nothing in Terraria that behave like this [to my knowledge], so I started to play around and try to make a relay signal with something a little more creative and this is when I realised a new feature I had not played with before with the new Teal Pressure Pad. And with its Projectile touches it property I started to play with what would trigger it. And this is where the Dart Trap Relay system was created.

Creating a Dart Trap Relay Signal

To demonstrate how this work I have set up a simplified version to help explain how it works.

Note: I added in a Wire Bulb to show how each switch sends the signal over, these are not required to make this work.

Step One – Sending the Signal

The first step was to create three switches, each have a different wiring attached to them.

These was feed into Dart trap facing East (shown in the picture below).

Step Two – Receiving the Signal

Now to set up the receiving signal, making sure to line up the Teal Pressure Pad facing WEST and inline with the Dart Trap. Then to connect some torches on the other side of a wall.

I made each one a different distance to show that it does not matter the distance the Dart travels as long as it impacts the Teal Pressure Pad. When the Dart hits this the make the Teal Pressure Pad create a new signal, which is the relayed signal from the WEST source signal.

This is the full length set up.

Here is the the final result.

1. All Switches off, no torches lit.

2. Green switch triggered and Green corresponding torches lit up.

3: Now Blue switch triggered and Blue corresponding torches lit up.

4. Finally Red switch triggered and Red corresponding torches lit up.

Notable Comments

This also works with some of the Jungle Temple Traps.

Spear Trap – Limit of 20 blocks (Teal Pressure Pas need to be within this range for the impact to work).

Spiky Ball Trap (less effect as the Spike Balls tend to repeatedly bounce, but could be used to trigger more traps (not practical for signal relays systems).

Distance that the Dart works at is minimum of one empty space follow by the Teal Pressure Pad.

See the below tests:

  • Red with two empty spaces. Works.

  • Blue with one empty space. Works.

  • Green with no empty space. Failed.

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