We hope that you missed Shimmer and Shine, because the two girl genies are back, this time with a game called Shimmer and Shine Pong, which is the first ping pong game of the category, and one of the few ping ping games added in the last period of time. If you already like playing ping pong games, we are sure that you will enjoy this one as well, and even if you don't usually try these games, we are certain you will find this one great. In order to help you with that, in the next part of the description we are going to explain how the game works, so make sure you keep reading it! First of all, you need to know that you can play against the computer, or against another player if you want. To move the pallete of your character, you will use the up and down arrow keys. You always have to catch the ping pong ball with your pallete, and throw it on the other side, and if your opponent does not manage to hit back, you win a point. You have to play until one of you reaches 21 points, because that one is the winner. It's as simple as that, so we urge you to give a try to this game right now, and see for yourself how great it is!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.