COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — Nine months after voters approved of recreational marijuana, it is now finally legal to buy it in Ohio.
Adults can now buy pot at nearly 100 dispensaries across the state.
Dispensaries like Terrasana on Columbus' west side expect a line of people before it opens at 10 a.m. Tuesday.
It's one of 10 dispensaries in the Columbus area given the go-ahead to start selling recreational marijuana.
The sales are starting 273 days after a majority of Ohio voters approved the idea.
Anyone age 21 or older can now legally purchase marijuana, edibles and more with valid ID.
Dispensaries like Amplify, run by Alissa Baker, have spent weeks getting ready and meeting the state's requirements.
Baker said she's pushed for legalized marijuana for more than a decade, but this is a day she wasn't sure would ever come.
"I don't know what to expect ... the amount of people, so we're going to do our best to try to get everybody through as fast as we can," she said.
Baker said new customers will be reminded they're not allowed to use what they buy at the dispensaries, adding that medical marijuana patients will continue to get priority.
Police warn they'll be watching for drivers who are high.
Also, smoking marijuana in public is still illegal.
The state expects to approve more dispensaries for recreational sales later in the week.